My friends say I'm funny. I like to write, especially about stuff I like. So why not blog? I may be writing to a handful of friends, prison inmates with coveted internet access, and an occasional procrastinator who stopped by holding a Crock Pot, thinking "THIS isn't my scrapbooking party?!". So what. Write on, I say.
The plan is to make this blog kinda fun, interesting, definitely quirky, and as unique as possible. I'm a public relations consultant and principal of my own boutique firm in Massachusetts, but if you've come for networking or PR tips, you are knocking on the wrong door. That's the red door next door, the one with the funky typeset sign and the lime green logo. You can find me and my PR colleagues from the PRConsultants Group (shameless plug #1) on Facebook, where we congregate, swap fish stories, and terrorize much larger agencies with homemade slingshots for sport.
My strategy is to post stuff that makes me laugh out loud, not the schlocky stuff that no one cares about. No yawners, just interesting observations, musings from people I admire (things that make me go HMM), and ROFL kind of content. Not LOL, just ROFL. There's a difference.
Just to give you a taste of what you'll find here, I'm a fan of Dave Barry, Chuck Jones, Danny Kaye, Robin Williams, Lewis Black, Jon Stewart, old SNL episodes and "TV Funhouse", Stephen King novellas, old 1950s comedies, 1980s John Hughes films, all kinds of animation, and even Disney specials and Lifetime fare. I love to Stumble around the web and pick up with one gloved hand pop culture items and funny writing from everywhere and anywhere, and will post here as a sort of compendium - montage - mosaic of cool and interesting and somewhat useless content.
The title of this blog, "Deep Thoughts," is a tip of the hat to the SNL skit I was obsessed with back in the day, "Jack Handey's Deep Thoughts," which taught me to expect the unexpected.
One of my faves, the rest here: http://www.alexras.info/edeep.php#:
"I'll take that little one, way in the back," I said. "That little collie mix?" said the animal shelter guy. "No," I said, "the one behind him." "The gray terrier?" he said. "He's gray," I said, "but way in the back, in the corner." "You mean the water faucet?" he said. I realized then it was a
water faucet, but I didn't want to look like a jerk, so I said, "Yeah, that's the one I want." It ended up costing me almost five hundred dollars to get that faucet removed. But you know, I've still got that faucet, and I wouldn't trade it for any dog in the world."
As eclectic as that seems, there's a common thread here, and that's to remind us that the only thing we can predict in life is that life is unpredictable. Death, taxes, blah blah blah.
My favorite Jack Handey snippet is:
"If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy."
I LOVE Jack Handey!!! He needs to be our keynote speaker at the next PRCG conference!!! Deep Thoughts rock!
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